For our fans Fanpage on Facebook and customers of the online store zoolio.pl


1. The organizer of the Facebook competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition") is zoolio.pl, owned by Enkom Arkadiusz Kowalski with its registered office at ul. Starzyńskiego 6-7/2, 76-200 Słupsk, NIP 8392780579, e-mail address: sklep@zoolio.pl, telephone number: 500 632 105.

2. The founder of the prize is the Organizer.

3. The administrator of personal data provided by the Competition Participants is the Organizer.

4. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the Participant to join the Competition. Persons providing data have the right to access, change or delete this data.

5. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") define the terms and conditions of the Competition.

6. The competition is not created, administered, supported or sponsored by Facebook. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

7. The competition is conducted on the website https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557872934649 (hereinafter referred to as the "Fanpage").

8. Supervision over the correctness and course of the Competition, i.e. providing information about the Competition and considering complaints, is supervised by the Organizer's employees.


1. Only natural persons and consumers within the meaning of Art. 221 of the Civil Code, having full legal capacity, being users and having an active account on Facebook.com; that have accepted these Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant").

2. The participant declares that:

a. is a natural person with full legal capacity;

b. has read the content of these Regulations and voluntarily joins the Competition;

c. agrees and accepts the terms of the Regulations, including having read the content regarding the prize collection procedure and fully accepts it;

d. undertakes to comply with the provisions of the Regulations, including the Facebook regulations;

e. has consented to the processing of personal data for purposes related to participation in the Competition;

f. is a registered User of the Facebook social networking site;

3. Employees and associates of the Organizer cannot participate in the Competition.


1. There are 3 winners in the Competition

2. The prize in the Competition is a voucher worth PLN 50

3. Information about the Prize will be included in the content of the Competition announcement published on Facebook, on the organizer's fanpage - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557872934649https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557872934649

4. The Winner is not entitled to exchange the Prize for cash or any other type of prize.

5. The Winner may waive the Prize, but in return he is not entitled to a cash equivalent or any other reward.

6. The condition for receiving the prize by the distinguished Participant is to send a message with the following data within 3 days of announcing the results of the Competition on the Fanpage - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557872934649:

a. name and surname

b. email address

7. Failure to send the message referred to in section 7 or exceeding the permissible response time or sending incorrect data will result in the participant losing the right to the prize.


1. The competition and its rules are available in the form of a competition announcement (hereinafter: "competition post") on the Facebook social networking site on the Organizer's profile at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557872934649

2. The competition lasts from May 11, 2024 to May 18, 2024, with the possibility of ending it earlier.

3. Entry in the competition is done electronically by sending a short video recorded with a camera, camera or mobile phone in a format no less than HD, i.e. 1280x720p, to the address provided in the competition announcement.

4. From among the submitted films, the Organizer will select the 3 best video materials that will be awarded.


1. Access to the Competition is free and requires registration on the Facebook social networking site.

2. The condition for participation in the Competition is to accept the Regulations and correctly perform all tasks described in the competition post

3. The Organizer decides on awarding the prize by analyzing the correctness of the tasks. Paragraph 1 of the Regulations by the Competition Participants

4. The winners of the Competition will be notified about the win and the conditions for receiving the Prize via a private message sent on Facebook within 3 business days from the end of the competition.

6. Public information about the winning will also be placed in a comment to the competition post.


1. The Organizer is not responsible for the reliability and truthfulness of the data of the Competition Participants, including the inability to transfer prizes due to reasons attributable to the Participant, in particular

2. The Organizer declares that it does not control or monitor the content posted by Participants in terms of reliability and truthfulness, except for actions related to removing violations of the Regulations or generally applicable provisions.

3. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from participation in the Competition Participants whose actions are contrary to the law or the Regulations and Facebook's regulations, in particular participants who:

a) post content that is inconsistent with applicable law or the Regulations available on Facebook (in particular, containing offensive content, both in text and graphics);

b) take action using an account/profile created contrary to Facebook's policies;

c) engage in activities using third party accounts/profiles that do not comply with Facebook's policies;

d) interfere with the mechanism of operation of the Competition;

e) create fictitious accounts/profiles on Facebook

4. The Organizer is not responsible for any disruptions in the operation of IT connections, servers, interfaces, browsers and the Facebook platform.

5. The Organizer is not responsible for temporary or permanent blocking of the website or application from Facebook.


1. Personal data of the Competition Participants will be processed by the Organizer only for the purpose of carrying out activities necessary for the proper conduct of the Competition.

2. Personal data of the Competition Participants will be stored by the Organizer only for the period necessary to conduct the Competition and issue prizes to the awarded Participants.

3. Participants have the right to access, correct and delete processed data. The data is provided on a voluntary basis, but registration on the Facebook social networking site is required to participate in the Competition.

4. When the data is deleted, the User loses the opportunity to participate in the Competition.


1. All intellectual property rights to the Competition belong to the Organizer. Participation in the Competition does not result in the Participants acquiring any intellectual property rights.

2. By entering the competition, the participant declares that the content sent by him is his own and that he has all proprietary and personal copyrights to this content, including the right to submit this content in the competition.

3. Upon issuing the prize to the Participant, the Organizer acquires free of charge copyrights to the Participant's awarded work in the following fields of exploitation:

a) Use of video material for promotional and advertising purposes on Google websites,

b) Use of video material for promotional and advertising purposes on Facebook pages,

c) Use of video material for promotional and advertising purposes on the Organizer's website,

4. In the case of unawarded works, upon delivery of the video material to the Organizer, the Organizer acquires a non-exclusive license authorizing the Organizer to use the copyrights to the competition work free of charge in the following fields of exploitation:

a) use on the organizer's website,

b) displaying video material on Facebook pages as part of the post-competition exhibition,

c) placing reproductions of the video material in catalogs and websites promoting the zoolio store brand,


1. Participants should submit any complaints regarding the manner of conducting the Competition in writing during the Competition, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of issuance of the Prizes.

2. A complaint submitted after the specified deadline has no legal effects.

3. A written complaint should include the name, surname, exact address of the Participant and a detailed description and justification of the complaint.

4. The complaint should be sent by registered letter to the Organizer's address with a note “Facebook competition”

5. Complaints will be considered in writing within 30 days.


1. The Regulations enter into force on May 11, 2024.

2. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and other legal provisions shall apply.

3. Disputes relating to and arising from the Competition will be resolved by a common court having jurisdiction over the Organizer's registered office.

4. The Organizer reserves the right to change the rules of the Competition during its duration. Information about changes will be posted on the Fanpage and on the Organizer's official website: zoolio.pl

5. The Competition Regulations are available on the Organizer's official website.